Compatibility of Human Genotype; A must know before saying the big YES

It is an essential requirement for people to care about their health, but ironically not many can define what a genotype is. Simply defined, a genotype is the entirety of the genetic constitution of a human being. It encompasses the genetic makeup of either a single or group of organisms concerning a single trait, set of attributes, or even a totality complex of characters. In simple terms, it is a person’s complete heritable genetic identity transmitted from parents through genes. There are many types of genotype, and they all have something to do with a person's blood group.

What is a genotype

A genotype is something all individuals should know and even take into consideration when choosing a life partner. This is because there may arise compatibility issues which may lead to devastating effects during and after conception. Since you do not want to conceive children with sickle cell anemia and other health complications, you should check blood group compatibility with your partner before making the big decision to bring children into this world.

How genotypes come about.

What is genotype? To understand what it is first, you have to know all about genes and chromosomes. Genes are found in chromosomes. Chromosomes are tightly-packed DNA structures found in the cell nucleus. They come in pairs in organisms that reproduce sexually.

One chromosome comes from the male, while the other comes from the female. Similarly, there are two copies of genes present in a chromosome, one from each parent. Different versions of a gene are called alleles, and when alleles are inherited from parents, they form what is known as a genotype.

Types of genotype and their characteristics.

A person's specific traits are determined by a combination of alleles situated on corresponding chromosomes. Biological tests and not observations are the only determiners. A genotype example can be the genes responsible for traits such as a person's shoe size, voice, eye color, hair color, and even diseases.

There are six types of genotype in human beings, and they result in some of the physical characteristics of a person. They are distinguished based on the alleles that a person has. These are:







But in this article i will focus more on the 3 major genotypes AA, AS and SS.

Relationship between blood types and genotypes

Typically, a blood test is conducted to determine whether the A or B characteristics are present in a blood sample. A blood test alone cannot determine either type A or type B. A blood type A individual has at least one copy of the A allele, but they could also have two copies. Such a person can have AA or AO.

A blood type of type AB or O is more informative when determining the group. A person with blood type AB automatically has both the A and B alleles, and therefore, it is AB. A person with blood type O, on the other hand, has neither the A nor the B allele, and the resultant is OO.

Importance of knowing your genotype

The knowledge of hemoglobin genotype is relevant when choosing a life partner to avoid compatibility issues that may result in devastating effects relating to conception. This is why it is essential to ask questions such as how many types of genotype are there and what is their compatibility.

People with sickle cells experience episodes of severe pains in body parts where oxygen flow is compromised because of blockage in the blood vessels. People with genotype AA are safe to marry individuals with any of the others. AS is compatible with AA, AS, and AS, AS and AC are too risky since two sickle cells should avoid conception. Below is a comprehensive compatibility chart:

AA + AA = AA, AA, AA, AA (Excellent)

AA + AS = AA, AS, AA, AS, (Good)

AA + SS = AS, AS, AS, AS, (Fair)

AS + AS = AA, AS, AS, SS, (Very Bad)

AS + SS = AS, SS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)

SS + SS = SS, SS, SS, SS, (Very Bad)

Difference between genotype and phenotype.

Even though the two might sound the same and are related, they mean different things. While genotype refers to the set of genes in the DNA of an organism responsible for a particular trait, on the other hand,phenotype,is described as the physical expression, or characteristics of that trait. Phenotypes can be determined just by observing things such as height, hair color, and eye color, and so on.

Types of sickle cell genotype.

Sickle cell anemia is caused by a gene mutation of the red blood cells that makes them be shaped like a crescent moon. This gene is inherited, so it means one can only have the disease if both parents transfer the genes to a child. If a child has only one of the genes, he/she is said to have sickle cell traits. Here are the common types of sickle cell disease:

Hemoglobin SS:.

Hemoglobin SC: 

Hemoglobin SB+ thalassemia

Hemoglobin SB 0 thalassemia: 

Benefits of Genotype AA

From my previous article on the various types of Genotype and blood group here, we can deduce that Genotype AA has the uttermost advantage when it comes to choosing a partner for copulation and reproduction( read on choosing a life partner here), People with genotype AA can reproduce with any other genotypes with having the fear of having offspring with the sickle cell disease also known as genotype SS.

The Cons of Genotype AA

Sequel to a research and tests carried out at carried at the teaching hospital, University of Uyo, the fact that people with AA genotype are prone and susceptible to Falciparum Malaria (malaria parasite ) was re-established, when 93.3% of the children screened with the parasite were found to be AA genotype while just 5% of the people screened was of genotype AS. These interesting results were discovered during the screening of blood group, hemoglobin genotypes and malaria parasite or M.P (falciparum malaria). (Read an interesting article on how a child’s blood group is formed from the parent’s blood in my next article)

Reason Why AA genotype are Prone to Malaria?

Various research from various medical fields in the past has established the fact that malaria parasite(falciparum malaria) gotten by mosquito bites (read on how to prevent mosquito bites here) have a very high rate of oxygen use and consumption, the malaria parasite has also been known to also consume massive amounts of hemoglobin, for survival and during the peripheral blood period/stage of replication and duplication.

 Since blood genotype AA red blood cells contain normal hemoglobin both in quantity and structure, thereby resulting in more oxygen binding capacity and fueling of the malaria parasite duplication and replication process. this is the major reason why malaria parasite (falciparum malaria) survives and thrives well in AA genotype compared to other genotypes.

Benefits of Genotype AS

It was also realized during the research that being of blood genotype AS (sickle cell carrier) bestows and confers on you some form of protection from malaria parasite (falciparum malaria) because of the complex lifecycle of the parasite. when a person of AS genotype is infected with the parasite, the presence of the parasite causes the red blood with defective hemoglobin to rupture prematurely making the Plasmodium parasite to be unable to reproduce or replicate since they need large amounts of hemoglobin and oxygen to do so, this is what happens during the blood peripheral blood stage of replication. Also, the polymerization of hemoglobin hinders and affect the ability of malaria parasite(M.P) to digest it, in areas or regions prone to Malaria parasite or mosquitoes (West Africa, East Africa, India, e.t.c) , People of genotype AS( sickle cell carrier ) have higher chances of survival than people of genotype AA. Genotype AS ( defective hemoglobin) red blood cells conform and adhere to the parasitized red cells easily than red blood cells of genotype AA ( normal hemoglobin) Hemoglobin Electrophoresis can detect abnormal hemoglobin forms, Hemoglobin Electrophoresis is a form of gel electrophoresis in which different types of hemoglobin moves at different and varying speeds. Genotype AS( sickle cell hemoglobin HBS) and Genotype SS( Sickling HBSC) the most common forms can be identified from the process.

Cons or Demerits of Genotype AS

Also from the initial article on knowing your genotype and blood group here, we can deduce the fact that people with AS genotype are at great disadvantage when they want to choose who to reproduce or copulate with, the reason why is because they are sickle cell carriers and can only copulate with Genotype AA alone, this is to avoid them to have offsprings who will carry the dreaded and disadvantaged sickle cell disease genotype SS.

Cons of Genotype SS

Read more on Sickle cell anemia or sickle cell disease and how to manage its crises on my next article. Even though people with genotype SS( sickle cell disease) has the defective hemoglobin advantage, the protective effect on malaria enjoyed by the people with genotype AS does not apply to them, the reason why is because malaria is the most common cause of crises in areas and region prone exposed to the parasite, this is why genotype SS patients( people living with sickle cell diseases) are advised to take and receive anti-malaria chemoprophylaxis treatment throughout their lifetime. Malaria Chemoprophylaxis is the defined as the preventive treatment of malaria for people with sickle cell disease (SS genotype) and for people who don’t have immunity against malaria traveling to a region prone to malaria. Various Malaria Chemoprophylaxis medications and treatment can be found here. You can also read on other ways to prevent malaria here. So now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of each genotype, you should be able to decide which one is the strongest or best genotype by yourself.

If You're Living With Sickle Cell Disease, Read below.

Remember, You can live a full, active life when you have sickle cell disease. You can take part in most of the same activities as other people. Making smart choices is important in keeping the condition from flaring into a crisis.

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited disorder in which the shape of red blood cells are C-shaped sickles that can get stuck in blood vessels and block them. This blockage is called a pain crisis or sickle crisis.

You won’t have total control over how SCD affects your body. But you can take steps to manage pain and to reduce your chances of problems.

Dealing With Pain.

SCD varies widely person to person. The severity of pain can range from mild to severe. Likewise, the methods to relieve it also can differ. Here are some good guidelines to follow:

Talk with your doctor.

Use pain medicines with caution

Look for pain triggers. 

Find what works for you.

Drink plenty of fluids

Sleep. Get enough.

Exercise in moderation. 

Take your medicine. 

Stay up to date on vaccines.

 Reduce Alcohol Intake.

When to Get Medical Care?

Keep an eye out for possible problems caused by SCD. If you have any of the following problems, get medical attention right away:

Fever of 101 F or higher

Chest pain

Severe pain that you can’t soothe

Severe headache, dizziness or stiff neck


Swelling in your belly

Loss of feeling or movement

For men, a painful erection that lasts more than 4 hours

Problems breathing

Sudden loss of vision

AA, AS & SS Genotype Compatibility for Marriage. Take Note Of This

You have found this perfect person that you are completely in love with! But where is the guarantee that your children will be born healthy? It does not happen often, but sometimes the partners can be incompatible by genotype. Find out everything about genotype compatibility.

Genotype compatibility.

People who are incompatible based on their genotype have a big risk of giving birth to a child with sickle cell disease, which is a serious issue that significantly reduces the lifespan and makes a person struggle physically. This is why before getting serious with your partner you will have to pass a genotype test because otherwise there is a high chance that your child will be born with sickle cell anemia.

The child's genotype will directly depend on the parents' genotypes combination. In the past, there was a high mortality rate among children who were born to parents with incompatible genotype, and no one knew how to help it. Nowadays, the doctors have found different ways to ease their pain, but the disease is still dangerous, so you are strongly recommended to prevent your future children from this fate.

Even if you do not have a partner yet, it is important to know your own genotype and undergo medical tests that determine it because it can not only influence your own life but the life of your future children as well. Below, you will learn more detailed information about genotype compatibility for marriage.


Of course, if you have met someone extremely special, someone, who understands you and treats you like the best person in the world, you will be head over heels with this person, and genotype compatibility will be the last thing in your head. However, you should not disregard this factor, because it can be really influential on your romance or marriage one day.

There are a few genotypes that determine your traits and the traits of your future children. They are AA, AS, AC, and SS. The genotype AC is quite uncommon, and together with the genotype SS, it is considered abnormal, and the genetic specialists refer to them as sickle cells. As for AA and AS, they are normal genotypes that can be found the most often. Children’s genotype depends on the combination of the genotypes of their parents. Usually, children that are born to the same parent have different genotype – the exception can be twins, triplets, or multiples that were in the same womb.

Sickle cell disease can only be inherited. It is not contagious and can not be passed from one person to other. This disease only gets passed down from parents to children. Those who struggle with sickle cells usually inherit two hemoglobin cells that are abnormal, and these are S. So, basically, if both parents have S in their genotype, there is a chance of them giving birth to the child with hemoglobin SS genotype or sickle cell anemia.

According to the scientific research carried out by genetic professionals, people who have AS, SC, or SS genotype risk having children with SS, in case they get married to someone with AS/SS genotype. It is known that if the man with AS genotype has children with the woman with AS genotype, one of their four children will have SS. This is just a theory, but there is always a chance that this one child will be their first.

One in four children can also be explained as four in sixteen, so basically four first children can have SS genotype. In this situation, the couple would need to have more than ten children for standing a chance to give birth to a baby whose genotype will be AA or AS.

Best genotype for marriage.

If you know your genotype, it will help you to determine the right person for marriage. People with AS are strongly not recommended to marry other people with AS. If you start dating someone, it would be the best to find out their genotype during the earlier stage of a relationship before you become close.

Here are the examples of genotype compatibility:

AA and AA – excellent

AA and AS – good

AS and AA – normal

AS and AS – bad

AS and SS – really bad

SS and SS – the worst.

Why is it important to know the genotype of your partner?

As you see, it is important to know your genotype before you start dating people, because marrying someone with incompatible genotype might result in a lot of problems for your children in the future. It is strongly advised you make the right decision.

Ignorance towards sickle cell disease can result in serious problems. Usually, people with this illness are not expected to live for long. The level of seriousness varies depending on the person, as well as symptoms and consequences of the disease, but it is known that even in first world countries the average life expectancy of patients with sickle cell disease is 40 to 60 years.

Also, you probably need to know that people with AA genotypes are really prone to the disease called malaria, which they can get at the infant age and sometimes at the adult age. In general, being aware of your genotype will help you understand more things about your health and help to deal with typical issues. As people say, prevention is more effective than cure.

Of course, when you ask yourself “who to marry?”, the answer is – you should marry the person that you love, someone who is your best friend, support, and shoulder to cry on. However, before marriage, you need to weigh all the pros and cons. Maybe it does not happen often, but just in case you and your partner turn out to have incompatible genotypes, you will have to think twice before having children together because they can later go through lots of health hardships.

If you would like to know your genotype, there are a few different ways. You can go through a blood test at the hospital which will determine not only your genotype but a lot of other additional information about you. Perhaps your older relatives are aware of your genotype, so you could try asking them.


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